
Promoting Land Sustainability and Stewardship

As a local business and employer, R.D. Offutt Farms is committed to responsible and sustainable growing practices. These practices help reduce the need for inputs such as nutrients and pesticides, while optimizing our yield. We care about the health of our local communities; after all, we live, work, and play here, too.

Investing in soil health

Healthy soil means healthy plants and healthy plants mean a strong food supply and a healthy planet.

Learn how we invest in soil health

Limiting water usage

Irrigated agriculture is essential in meeting the country's food production needs.

Learn how we manage water usage

Addressing climate change

As Minnesota’s climate is continuously changing, farmers must continuously adapt every growing season.

Learn about our climate change efforts

Maintaining accountability and compliance

We hold ourselves accountable for our sustainability efforts and continual compliance with state regulations.

Learn about our accountability and compliance initiatives